Finals and Meal Prep!

It feels like we just flew back to Grenada and we already have final exams on Monday and Tuesday. We just finished up 2 courses (CPM and Bioethics) which are 2 weeks in length. Once we take our finals early next week, we start the core classes (physiology, genetics, immunology, neuroscience) for term 2. I promise to do an update about each of the courses once I take my exam!

Because we have finals next week, meal prep time may be a little compromised this weekend. This week, I decided I wanted something healthy, warm, and fast to make. So, I'm made stir-fry. I am a huge fan of pan-asian food, so this is just what I need for a pre-final weekend! I already had a few ingredients and wanted to use up some veggies before they become moldy. I'm convinced that the more number of ingredients I add to stir-fry, the better it tastes. So, I never use a standard recipe for stir-fry. Usually, I taste the dish while it is cooking and add spices or hot sauce or stir-fry sauce as I go.

We quickly finished up our weekend grocery shopping and got back to studying. In the evening, I chopped up all the ingredients and let the veggies cook while I read some bioethics.
Some of veggies that I cut

If I have time, I might make another dish after my final on Tuesday so that I have enough for the week! For lunches, I am keeping it simple. I saved some of the veggies that I used for the stir fry. So, I am making a cheese or veggie sandwich during the week. Hope everyone is having a great weekend! :)

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